Is it worth the fuss?

Hey guys!

Today I am going to share with you a little tip that I use to determine whether or not something is worth me stressing over, getting worked up about and focusing all my time on.

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At the moment I am going through my GCSE years (*shudder* 😛 ), and constantly have exams, homework and busy weeks with lots to think about. Whenever I am worried about something, I have learnt over the last few years that it helps me to ask myself the simple question ‘will I remember this in 6 months time?’

If the exam or daunting test, challenge or event will still be on my mind and being thought about in half a year, it is something worth me taking time over and focusing on. But often before a test I find it extremely helpful to remind myself that in six months I won’t be worrying about one, 35 minute Biology exam that I did all that time ago. That doesn’t mean it’s not important to try your best, but sometimes you won’t even be thinking about that thing in a fortnight’s time! Our lives are constantly moving forward, sometimes at a pace that’s difficult to keep up with. But each little thing will be replaced daily by another little thing, meaning that in a stressful situation it is worth noting that ‘future you’ will be relieved with the result/exam mark, happy that you didn’t get too worked up in advance, and ready to move on to the next task in your life.

You can’t prevent the exam, so you may as well do your best, remember that it won’t be important to you in six months, and stay calm.

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Have a good weekend!

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ApricotMarmalade 😀